A California man has filed a class action suit accusing Fliff of making illegal sports bets in Golden State. The complaint alleges that the "freely playable" fliff app violates the Wire Act, California Unfair Competition Act, and the bookmaking ban. Plaintiff Vishoy Nessim claims to have lost more than $7,000 using the app. He claims more than $5 million in damages for himself and others who may have suffered. 파칭코사이트인포

The June 6 filing calls for a restraining order to prevent Fliff from offering the contest beyond state boundaries, a charge of violating federal wire law. Fliff is a social sports book that allows users to play with virtual coins. People go online and choose their favorite players and teams without real cash. Provides an opportunity to redeem cash prizes and is operated using the giveaway model. The app is available in 49 states.

California voters voted against legalized sports betting in November 2022.